Welcome to Commonplace

Here’s an opening space to simply state your mission & welcome people to Commonplace. Say a little something more here about Commonplace & what it is (both the school & the podcast). Alternatively, include a quote here that acts almost like an epigraph in a book.

Commonplace School

Here’s a description about the Commonplace School, what’s offered, community, reading book club, etc. Here’s a description about the Commonplace School, what’s offered, community, reading book club, etc.Here’s a description about the Commonplace School, what’s offered, community, reading book club, etc.

Say a little something more here about Commonplace & what it is (both the school & the podcast). Alternatively, include a quote here that acts almost like an epigraph in a book.

Commonplace Podcast

A series of intimate and captivating interviews by Rachel Zucker with poets and artists about quotidian objects, experiences or obsessions, Commonplace conversations explore the recipes, advice, lists, anecdotes, quotes, politics, phobias, spiritual practices, and other non-Literary forms of knowledge that are vital to an artist’s life and work.