Episode 13: D. A. Powell

Host Rachel Zucker talks with her friend D. A. Powell, author of five award-winning books of poetry and professor at University of San Francisco. They talk about the presidential election, outrage, disturbance, poetry as social activism and action, normalization, resistance, erasures, palimpsests, minimalism, droplifting, notebooks, revision strategies, chaos and order(ing), and going forward. They also talk about their time together at the Iowa Writer’s Workshop, teaching, their mutual affection and respect for one another and the importance of friendship.

Books by D. A. Powell

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People, Publications and Events Mentioned in this Episode

Radi Os by Ronald Johnson (Flood Editions, 2015), an "erasure" of Paradise Lost

Boomerang! (Rachel’s contributor’s journal): A limited edition literary journal created to encourage communication between writers (modeled on ROOMS a contributors Journal made by Bay Area women poets. Committed to linguistic and visual experimentation, Boomerang!  Ran for 15 issues. Contributors included: Rick Barot, Miranda Field, Alan Feldman, Joy Katz, Wayne Koestenbaum, Lisa Lubasch, Hermine Meinhard, D. A. Powell, Reginald Shepherd, Elizabeth Robinson, David Trinidad and Max Winter.


Episode 14: Alicia Ostriker


Episode 12: Steph Burt